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How To Restore Your Bicycle With Our Bike Stickers



If you’re a bike enthusiast, chances are you love the look of your bike as much as you enjoy riding it, if not more. Because what’s more beautiful and eye-catching than a bike ride in the great outdoors with a classy looking bike? Fun comes with a price, however, because your vintage bike will not look the same forever. Colours will fade and the original brand markings will eventually fade out too. But don’t let that discourage you, because there’s a sure-shot way to make sure your bike stays looking fresh and new despite the turmoils of time. That’s where we come in. At Bicycle Decals, we offer your bike a chance of being immortalized in all its vintage glory! 

What You Can Expect With Our Bike Stickers 

If you’re a vintage bicycle enthusiast, you’re already a preservationist of sorts. When you purchase a vintage bike, you’re not just purchasing a bike, but you’re also purchasing a capsule to a different time. When you purchase a time capsule, you’d want to preserve it so it stays as is. But time flies, and so does the detailing on your vintage bike. It’s an age old story of loss for bike enthusiasts everywhere, which is precisely why we’ve come up with a solution! Here at Bicycle Decals, we offer a wide range of products that can help you restore your vintage beauty in no time. Made with the best materials in the market, our bike stickers and decals are easy to transfer and are premium in quality, ensuring a long lasting life to your bike’s look.

 There are so many ways to amp up your bicycle ride with stickers. The types of stickers you can get on Bicycle Decals include, but are not limited to: 

-          Road Bike Decals

-          Vinyls

-          Bike Decals

-          Transfers

-          Bike Frame Stickers

-          Bike Graphics


Road Bike Decals 

Decals add a rustic touch to your revamped bicycle. You can’t go wrong with these, because they add the classic cyclist’s touch to your bike and will make it stand out from all other road bikes. One of the main focuses with restoration is to make sure that the bike decals look authentic even though the bike is renewed. At Bicycle Decals, we ensure that your bike maintains its classic authentic look, while also making it look brand new. 


Vinyls are stickers that are made out of a type of plastic. Owing to their material, these particular stickers don’t have backgrounds to them, so they’re transparent and the main focus is placed on the brand/logo, and they add a super furnished touch to bikes. They’re the classiest of all stickers and make your bicycle stand out the most. Their subtlety is what makes them so impactful, adding a finishing touch of sophistication to your ride. 


Our bike transfers are ridiculously easy to use and made with utmost care for quality. When you use our transfers, you ensure your bike will stay looking brand new, even though it’s vintage. 

Bike Frame Stickers 

Our stickers are perfect for the frames of your bicycle. Whether your bike is old or new, these bike frame stickers will give your bike a fresh look whilst maintaining the class of your bike. They’re easy to apply and revamp your bike to its fullest potential.  

Bike Graphics 

Bike graphics add a popping touch to your freshly restored/renewed bike. Bike graphics have a very out-there look, while also being subtle enough to maintain the authenticity of your bike. 

A Tiny Guide to Bike Stickers 

We have a wide, wide range of decals and transfers available on Bicycle Decals. Our MTB Decals feature classic and popular products from investors like Splendor, Scapin, Picchio, Mairag, Gitane and more. We even have frame stickers and transfers from more obscure brands as well, so we have something for everyone.

Now that you’re aware of the types of stickers available on Bicycle Decals, here’s what you can do with them! 

-          Make a Bike Your Own:
When you restore a bike with bike graphics, bike decals, and bike frame stickers, you’re in a way rebuilding your bike. Take this as a bonding experience with your bike while you restore it to it’s authentic look.

-          Switch It Up:
With our wide range of brands, it’s possible for you to switch up the look of your bike, straight down to it’s make itself. Our stickers are easy to apply and remove and you can change them up every now and then to have a change of pace whenever needed.

-          Spot the Difference:
Stickers and decals come in handy when you want to differentiate between bikes. When you restore your bike with transfers and frame stickers, you’re ensuring that you’ll be able to tell your bike apart from lots of other old bikes. Especially if you keep your bike around a lot of similar bikes, or if you need to find your bike quickly if you race. With a sticker, your bike will stand out in the crowd and be easy to spot from miles away.

-          Stay Sharp:
Give your old bike a sharp new look, while maintaining its authenticity.

-          Upgrade Your Old Look:
There’s all sorts of gear available to improve your cycling experience and lots and lots of accessories to help you have fun on your wheels. But if you truly want your gear to stand out, our  stickers and vinyls are super adhesive and will add a more authentic look to match your new gear.


-          Mark Your Brand:
As you already know, there are all kinds of kits and gear available to help improve your cycling experience. But what use is new gear if your bike itself is old and hard to pick out of the bunch? With our bike frame stickers and decals, you get to show off your bike’s vintage look, while also clearly marking it’s make. Your two-wheeled steed will be fresh and new while maintaining its authenticity, making you a loyal brand ambassador to your classic bike.


-          Race Away!:
If entering lots of cycle races and triathlons is your thing, you’ll want to be able to quickly pick out your bike from the bunch while getting ready. And if you race, it’s always best to show off the maker of your bike. With our bike decals and bike stickers, your bike will be hard to miss for bike enthusiasts like yourself.

It Really Can’t Be THAT Simple, Can It?

The idea that a few simple types of vinyl and transfers can completely revamp your bike and restore it to its former glory is almost unbelievable. But you have to believe it because it’s true! The process of restoring a bike with decals is actually quite simple and will have your bike looking good as new in no time! Here’s a simple guide on how you can use our bike stickers to modify and renew your bike. 

-          First things first, pick a location on your bike for where you want your sticker to go. If you’re restoring a bike, mark the areas where the original stickers were before applying the new ones. If you can’t remember the spots, that’s okay. You can always find your original bike online and use the image as a guide to your application process.

-          Once you know where the sticker goes, make sure to clean the area well so there’s no dust or dirt to give it a better finished look.

-          Test it out. You need to apply it with utmost care, so make sure you know the exact placement before going in and sticking it on. You can hold the sticker (with the backing still attached) against the area to see how it looks before you commit completely.

-          Once you know for sure, peel off the sticker backing and carefully apply the main sticker to the part of the bike you want it on. You’ll want to do it slowly to avoid any bubbles and make sure to smoothen it out well so it looks uniformly attached and there are no air pockets trapped underneath.

-          Once you’re happy with your placement, you can seal in your vinyl or sticker with a layer of clear-coat paint or varnish to ensure it lasts longer.

-          They’re super easy to remove as well. Just apply heat using a hairdryer to loosen the adhesiveness, and slowly peel it off. This won’t affect your bike’s original paint job, and you can routinely switch it up and change the look of your bike whenever you want! 


If you’re a fan of bikes, you’ll definitely fall in love with our stickers and decals. They add a sophisticated touch to your ride by maintaining its authenticity. A restored bike can look like it stepped straight out of its time period, fresh and new. All our stickers are printed with the utmost quality and care. You can really take your ride a long way and make cycling a way more professional experience with our stickers, so ride like a pro and deck out your bike with reasonably priced transfers on Bicycle Decals


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